Discover hidden QR codes in physical or digital space. Useful for driving foot traffic to a specific location.
Invite your squad to join the fun and earn XP for each successful referral.
Compete with others in a battle of wit to complete the trivia set first.
Capture and share your special moments. Bonus: use an Insta / Snap augmented reality filter.
Connect your Web3 wallet and verify actions on your transaction history.
Link your social accounts and engage with social posts. Contribute to the conversation.
Connect your Spotify to receive a curated playlist that matches your music tastes.
Enjoy fun and interactive mini-games. Have a custom idea? Reach out.
Compliment your physical activation with a digital incentive layer.
Think about how many more people now know about it now! The workspace has a much better understanding of how to control it now as well. Tech...
Whatever this final quest ends up being, this was really fun regardless, good luck fellow questers
i'm so turnt up over this quest finale moment, it feels like i'm still at coachella a bit
Thanks Mods and Quests Community. This extra bit of interaction with these quests added some pretty unique involvement with the festival. De...
If they do the Oasis again next year, bet I'll actually spring for VIP tickets
Omg the Canvas Quests have really made my experience at Coachella even funner than I could ever have imagined!! I have loved getting to expl...
Imma say I appreciate all the work that went into the quests!! Doubt I'll get the chance at the grand prize, as I'm only at 1005...but, even...
thank you @Al and @zac for the fun experience! I enjoyed searching and scavenging with/against friends. thank you everyone for the memories
Foreal! BIG PROPS & Much THANKS @Al @zac @Dylan for organizing such a magical experience meeting new friends, and finding codes! It was like...
Thanks @zac @A and whoever else was on the quests workspace. Easily the most fun have had on any kind of giveaway thing. Keep it up
Think about how many more people now know about it now! The workspace has a much better understanding of how to control it now as well. Tech...
Whatever this final quest ends up being, this was really fun regardless, good luck fellow questers
i'm so turnt up over this quest finale moment, it feels like i'm still at coachella a bit
Thanks Mods and Quests Community. This extra bit of interaction with these quests added some pretty unique involvement with the festival. De...
If they do the Oasis again next year, bet I'll actually spring for VIP tickets
Omg the Canvas Quests have really made my experience at Coachella even funner than I could ever have imagined!! I have loved getting to expl...
Imma say I appreciate all the work that went into the quests!! Doubt I'll get the chance at the grand prize, as I'm only at 1005...but, even...
thank you @Al and @zac for the fun experience! I enjoyed searching and scavenging with/against friends. thank you everyone for the memories
Foreal! BIG PROPS & Much THANKS @Al @zac @Dylan for organizing such a magical experience meeting new friends, and finding codes! It was like...
Thanks @zac @A and whoever else was on the quests workspace. Easily the most fun have had on any kind of giveaway thing. Keep it up